The Role of a Long-Term Care Social Worker
The importance of a social worker's position makes them a vital member at a facility – they must be available to address and handle all challenging situations that arise in a day.
Volunteer Voices: Reasons to Become an Advocate for Long-Term Care Residents
Volunteer Ombudsman advocate for long-term care residents, acting on their behalf to discover and resolve problems related to abuse, neglect, or exploitation. It is a position that helps many residents in our state receive quality care, ensuring their rights are
3 Reasons to Join a Family Council at Your Loved One’s Long-Term Care Facility
Family councils play a vital role in voicing concerns, requesting improvements, supporting new family members and residents, and supporting facility efforts to provide high-quality care to residents at the facility.
5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Long-Term Care Facility
Choosing a long-term care facility for yourself or a loved one is an important decision that is often met with apprehension. However, there are a few things you can do to help make the process easier.
Understanding Your Loved One’s Rights in a Long-Term Care Facility
Many people believe that once their loved one enters a nursing home or assisted living facility, they lose their rights or those rights are altered in some manner – however, this is not true.
FREE WEBINAR: Voting Rights for People with Disabilities in Rhode Island
Representatives from the Rhode Island State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, Board of Elections, and Disability Rights RI present a live online training session about voting for residents in facilities.
Another Step in Protecting our Residents
This week the Governor signed an executive order which requires families and visitors show proof of vaccination to visit residents in long term care facilities.
Building Bridges Program now available!
About 50% of nursing home residents receive no visits from family or friends. They are alone and isolated while many children have no living grandparents. These youngsters are missing a precious experience which is where the Building Bridges program comes